Wednesday 8 February 2012

Lifestyle Choices: Smoking

As many of you will know, I am passionate about saving people from cancer. The six relatives I have lost to the disease had gene mutations which meant they were always at high risk. They didn't do anything to provoke the disease; they were just incredibly unlucky.

Thousands of people across the world also have gene mutations which put them at high risk. They can have the healthiest lifestyle and still end up diagnosed with cancer. It's incredibly unfair.

This blog post may be controversial and I want to begin by stating that no one deserves cancer. I fight for EVERYONE suffering with the disease and for everyone who will get the disease. You all have my sympathy and my heart goes out to you all.

However, there are thousands of people every year who are diagnosed with cancer because they have a smoking habit. Years of research has proven very clear links between cancer and smoking. In fact smoking kills five times more people then road accidents, murder, suicide, HIV and overdoses in the UK. One in every four cancer deaths in the UK is directly caused by smoking. a fifth of all cancer cases in the UK are also directly caused by smoking. Cancer Research research shows that smoking is the most important PREVENTABLE cause of cancer in the world.

I am a non smoker. I have always been a non smoker. I have never even tried smoking. I can admit that watching six relatives fight cancer and die has scared me stiff. If the thought of smoking ever crossed my mind (it doesn't) then the image of Georgie on his deathbed would pop into my head and stop any thoughts of smoking. I understand that not everyone has these horrific memories to stop them picking up the cigarettes. I understand that not everyone has had to watch someone they love suffer and die from a disease that stole every ounce of them.

HOWEVER in this day and age no one can say they do not know the risks of smoking. We all know how horrific it is. I am not going to preach to anyone, I am not going to try to convince people to give up. I totally understand that you can only break the habit when you are good and ready. I just want to lay out the facts for you all to read so you can understand what smoking is doing to you.

More then four in five cases of Lung Cancer are caused by smoking. Lung Cancer has one of the lowest survival rates. it is the most common cause of cancer in the UK. Most of these cases are preventable if you give up smoking and allow your lungs to recover.

As well as Lung Cancer, smoking also increases your risk of over a dozen other cancers:
* Mouth
* Larynx (Voicebox)
* Pharynx (Upper Throat)
* Nose and Sinuses
* Oesophagus (Food Pipe)
* Liver
* Pancreas
* Stomach
* Kidney
* Bladder
* Cervix
* Bowel
* One type of Ovarian
* Some types of Leukaemia
* There is also evidence to suggest smoking can increase the risk of you developing Breast Cancer

Now some people can smoke their entire lives and not develop cancer. This doesn't mean smoking doesn't cause cancer; it means they are lucky. Smokers are, on average, more likely to get cancer then a non-smoker is.

Half of all smokers eventually die from cancer or other smoking related illnesses. A quarter of smokers dies in middle age (between 35 and 69 years old)

Why Smoking Causes Cancer:
There are at least 80 cancer causing substances in tobacco smoke. As you inhale the smoke these chemicals are released into your lungs and spread about your body. According to scientists; these chemicals can actually damage your DNA and mutate important genes, making your cells grow and multiply until they are out of control.

Give Up Now and Make A Difference!
Researchers and campaigners have worked hard to educate people on the dangers of smoking and thanks to our hard work the number of people smoking in the UK has halved within the last fifty years. That also means that the number of Lung Cancer deaths has also halved. More work is being done (I will reveal our latest Ambassador campaign very soon!) and people are working very hard to continue making progress in this area. The fact remains that 33,000 are still killed by Lung Cancer every year and it seems that the number of people taking up smoking is catching up with the number of people giving up.

I know plenty of smokers so please believe me when I say I do not judge. This blog post isn't trying to make you feel bad about smoking; it is trying to give you all the facts so you can decide for yourself whether your smoking habit is really worth it. Giving up will be painful and difficult but I can promise you it won't be as painful as a battle with cancer.

Children like our Georgie or little Harry Moseley were taken by cancer before they had a chance to live. They had no choice in the matter. They were unlucky and cancer was cruel. They suffered and withered away before our eyes. They left behind families struggling to cope without them. If you are a smoker, you have the opportunity to give up and try to prevent yourself going through the same thing. There are lots of people out there ready to help you quit and live a healthier lifestyle. Maybe make it your target for 2012: join the thousands of people giving up smoking and give yourself the chance to avoid a cancer diagnosis. The fact remains that you are more likely to die a smoking related death then being murdered, having a road accident or having a drugs overdose so it's really important that you consider the facts and weigh up your options.

Please visit the Cancer Research UK website for more facts about smoking and cancer.
Please contact me if you would like support or advice about quitting smoking.



  1. losing 6 relatives is just wrong on so many levels. Have you heard about dichloroacetate (google it). Seems very promising for cancer treatment.

  2. Thanks Sarsh - I'm googling it now!!! xx
